Category: blog

  • From Conkers to Code: The Making of Bonkers 4 Conkers

    From Conkers to Code: The Making of Bonkers 4 Conkers

    Heads up: this is not super educational in the way that is generally understood in the “educational games” narrative. It is not designed to teach something, but I learned a LOT as part of its creation. So, making this game was educational for me. And, as I will be teaching a class on digital game…

  • The History of Video Games: Public Event

    The History of Video Games: Public Event



    As part of a class that I teach titled “The History of Video Games,” I have tasked students with a final project. They need to write an essay on a topic of their choosing. They also have to do a live presentation of that content, or, submit a recorded video essay. We will be holding…

  • Game Market 2024: A First-Time Exhibitor’s report



    Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in Game Market 2024 as a first-time exhibitor. As a fledgling game designer and hopefully publisher, this experience was very educational, and super humbling, actually. Yes, sales were less than I expected, but the overall experience was well worth it…! Read on 👇 Our Game: KEI-GO! We…

  • Fake Corpses and Real Fun: Exploring Social Frames in Pervasive Games

    Fake Corpses and Real Fun: Exploring Social Frames in Pervasive Games



    [日本語版が下にあります] Figure 1: I lie dead on the floor surrounded by students going about their day.  Some are working on their essays, homework, and other academic pursuits. Some are relaxing, eating, or just going along with their day. None of them know why I’m lying on the floor. None of them know that I’m dead.…

  • Integrating AI into the TBLT gaming framework



    I’ve been working on integrating AI-generated feedback into the TBLT gaming framework recently and will outline how, and why I have been doing so in this post. First, what is the TBLT Gaming framework? TL;DR: It’s a TBLT approach to teaching languages with games. It looks like this: Wanna know more? You can get a…

  • Play & Learn 感想

    Play & Learn 感想



    Play & Learnイベントに、担当教員のヨークが5人のセミナー学生と一緒に参加しました。 York Game Labの初めてのイベントで、有意義な時間を過ごしました。 ヨークが「ゲーム学習とゲーミフィケーションの違いについて」の15分のプレゼンテーションを行い、多くの方々が用語の使い方について議論を始めるきっかけとなりました。 ゲーム学習について by James York イベント参加者の一人からは、私たちのゲーム(KEI-GO!)が一番良かったと評価され、プレイと学びのバランスが絶妙だと好評でした♡。この経験から、学生たちは自分たちのゲーム作りにインスパイアされました。 最後に、いくつかのゲーム制作のオファーをいただきました。これからの制作がとても楽しみです! ハイライト 次は? York Game Labの第2弾を開発中です。またここで投稿します! KEI-GO!について(参考)

  • New class: The History of Video Games

    New class: The History of Video Games



    I’ve been tasked with teaching a new class in the fall semester and it has to be related to culture in some way. So, me being me, I decided to do it about video game culture, charting video game development from the past up to the present day, and stopping in at some cultural points…

  • Serious Play Conference

    Serious Play Conference



    I’ll be talking at the Serious Play conference in Toronto next week! My slides are based on the Ludic Language Pedagogy book I co-wrote with Jonathan deHaan. The book should be out later this year, too. The talk is about making SPACE for students to play, so taps into my recent LLP zine also. Some…

  • Teaching with Diplomacy — Week 3



    This week, we spent around 30 minutes looking at conditionals in English. I created a worksheet to refresh students’ memories on how to use “if,” specifically the 1st and 2nd conditionals. I also spent time explaining the difference between the two conditional forms in terms of their meaning (possibility, current state, future states, etc.). The…

  • Teaching with Diplomacy — Week 2

    Teaching with Diplomacy — Week 2



    At the start of the class today we spent some time thinking about useful language for playing this game, focusing on For Negotiating, the students provided a bunch of useful expressions like “What do you want (me to do)?” and “Let’s make a deal” as well as some simple First Conditional if-statements (if you _____,…